American Made - Problem Solving -
High Quality - 


Honey Bee
Frame Tool

Learn More Here

The New Frame Inspection Tool
Solves Many Problems 


Watch The Tool In Action

Weighing only 9 oz and measuring 18"x 16" wide and 2" tall,
the unit is super strong, well suited for the beekeeper
to use equal pressure at both ends of the frame,
lifting it with virtually no effort from the hive.

All Tools Are Made In America
100% Satisfaction Guaranteed


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Hive Work Has Never Been So Easy Or Fast


  • More efficient and gentle inspection tool for your hive work 
  • Provides the ability to smoothly / evenly lift
  • No "racking" or "twisting" of frames
  • Easier inspection of brood chamber frames
  • Faster & more convenient harvesting honey, every time it's used. 
  • Using the tool allows for less time in the hive
  • Inspection and harvesting time is greatly reduced 
  • Tool's unique function and design properties reduces frame, bee & bee keeper stress
  • Longer lasting investment and more enjoyable inspections
Frame tool hook
frame tool hook leverage
frame tool lifting

Professional "SS" Model

Stainless Steel & Wooden handle

  • Lifts frames from both ends, evenly and smoothly every time
  • Gently breaks the propolis as the tool lifts the frame from the box
  • Keeps bees calm / less stress
  • Won't break or wear out
  • Light weight, slim design
  • Strong STAINLESS STEEL construction, with stamped and machine ground ends and comfortable wooden handle

The Honey Bee Frame Lift solves problems the competitors can not,
by lifting both ends of the frame at the same time, using only one hand.


Get Your Special Offer NOW

Pro Frame Tool


Honey Bee Frame Tool Inventor

←  Special Interview
Bee Keeper Specialist - Albermarle, N. Carolina

Learn More Here

Stop Racking, Twisting Your Frames Today... 

Protect Your Investment, Be Safe & Work Smart...
Order Now & Ask About Special Offer...


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Saturday                      Closed
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